What is Self-esteem?

Self-esteem is the assessment, perception or positive or negative judgment that a person makes of himself based on the evaluation of his thoughts, feelings and experiences.

It is a term of Psychology studied by various experts in the area, however, it is used in everyday speech to refer, in a general way, to the value that a person gives himself.

Self-esteem is related to self-image, which is the concept that one has of one’s own, and with self-acceptance, which is about the proper recognition of qualities and defects.

The way in which a person is valued is influenced many times by external agents or the context in which the individual is, so it can change over time.

In this sense, self-esteem can increase or decrease from emotional, family, social or work situations, even by our positive or negative self-criticism.

Types of self-esteem

In a general way, one can speak of two types of self-esteem, although they are not exclusive ideas, since they can refer to different aspects of the human being.

That is, a person may have, for example, high self-esteem in terms of intellectual abilities – I am very clever in mathematics – but low self-esteem in other areas such as, for example, “I am very clumsy in sports.”

High self-esteem

People with high self-esteem are characterized by having a lot of confidence in their abilities. In this way, they can make decisions, take risks and face tasks with a high expectation of success, this is because they see themselves in a positive way.

As our high self-esteem is greater we will feel better prepared, with greater capacity and willingness to perform various activities, we will have greater enthusiasm and desire to share with others.

Low self-esteem

People with low self-esteem may feel insecure, dissatisfied and sensitive to criticism. Another characteristic of people with low self-esteem may be the difficulty of being assertive, that is, of claiming their rights in an appropriate manner.

Low self-esteem can derive for various reasons such as, for example, the valorization we make towards ourselves, the opinion we have of our personality, our beliefs, among others.

Similarly, sometimes they can try to please others to receive positive reinforcement and, thus, increase their self-esteem.

Self-esteem in adolescence

During adolescence it is common for young people to have self-esteem problems It is a period of personal growth and development in which the peer group, the family and the media exert a strong influence on each individual’s own assessment.

It is not only about the value that is given to physical appearance, but also to one’s own abilities and skills, such as sports, intellectual, social, among others.

The expectations of others, comparisons and personal references can exert a strong pressure and generate insecurities in the adolescent in this time of change. Anorexia and bulimia, for example, are related to the image and value that a person gives himself.

Self-esteem and valuation

Self-esteem is based on the value that a person gives himself, which can be modified over time and requires adequate knowledge and personal acceptance.

A positive motivation when facing a certain task, emphasizing one’s own qualities, increases the chances of success and therefore, self-esteem.

Phrases about self-esteem

  • “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb trees, it will pass the life thinking that it is stupid. ”Albert Einstein
  • “Self-esteem is not as vile sin as self-dismissal.” William Shakespeare
  • “Loving oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.” Oscar Wilde
  • “We all know that self-esteem comes from what you think of yourself, not from what others think of you.” Gloria Gaynor
  • “There is something worse than death, worse than suffering … and that is when one loses self-love.” Sandor Márai
  • “Do not live so that your presence is noticed, but so that your absence feels.” Bob Marley